Introducing the Emulate

Neuroinflammation research has been hampered by the lack of a comprehensive human model that accurately emulates the brain and blood-brain barrier. Until now.

As close to an in vivo brain study as you can get.

Only the Brain-Chip places five key human cell types in a dynamic microenvironment, resulting in in vivo-like gene expression. When used with our Human Emulation System®, the Brain-Chip delivers keen insight into how therapies will function inside the human brain.


The Brain-Chip can be used to:

  • Investigate the safety and efficacy of therapeutics.
  • Induce and study neuroinflammation because we included microglia on the brain Organ-Chip.
  • Investigate the impact of neuroinflammatory diseases on the blood-brain barrier because neuronal and endothelial cells are incorporated on a single model.
  • Provide new hope for effective therapies for a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Your work is important—to you and to the millions of patients who will one day benefit. Give yourself the best chance of success with the Brain-Chip.