Emulate at Society of Toxicology 2024

Learn how you can confidently predict the human toxicity of drug candidates with Organ-Chips.

Liver-Chip render
EMULATE @ SOT 2024 | BOOTH #2122

Come see what we've been up to!


Monday, March 11

  • 9:00 - 11:30 am: Can Microphysiological Systems Address Complex Toxicological Endpoints? (Room 255 D)


Monday, March 11

  • 9:15 - 11:15 am: Evaluating the immunotoxicity of CD137-induced agonism on the Human Liver-Chip (P612, Exhibit Hall C)
Tuesday, March 12
  • 2:15 - 4:15 pm: Donor-dependent responses to acetaminophen in human primary liver cells cultured in a liver microphysiological system (P723, Exhibit Hall C)

Wednesday, March 13

  • 11:45 am - 1:45 pm: On the potential of the Human Liver-Chip as a model of cholestatic toxicity (P495, Exhibit Hall C)



Validated for DILI prediction

The Emulate human Liver-Chip is the first Organ-Chip to be qualified against IQ MPS guidelines for predicting drug-induced liver injury (DILI).

In a groundbreaking study, researchers demonstrated that the Emulate human Liver-Chip was able to correctly identify 87% of the tested drugs that caused DILI in patients despite passing animal testing evaluations.

At the same time, the Emulate human Liver-Chip did not falsely identify any drugs as toxic, leading to a 100% specificity and supporting its use in toxicology screening workflows.  

Nature Comms Cover (2)

Organ-Chips benefit toxicology studies at every step of the pipeline

Infectious Disease Icon

Early Discovery

Create custom organ models with closer-to-human gene expression to identify and validate drug targets


Lead Optimization

Screen for diverse mechanisms of toxicity for preclinical drug candidates and assess the human relevance of toxicity observed in preclinical animal studies

Drug icon
Preclinical Safety

Understand toxicity mechanisms to quantify risk and support "weight-of-evidence" arguments for entry into the clinic.


Clinical Trials 

Identify the mechanism(s) of toxicity for candidates with unexpected safety signals in the clinic

Ready to advance your research with Organ-Chips?

Connect with an Emulate expert to see which Organ-Chip solution is right for you.